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Fiction editor

Whether in developmental or line edits, I aim for clarity and momentum.

I’m very interested in issues of legibility, and I strive to de-center the white gaze.

I value access and transparency, and I’m committed to de-mystifying the literary world.

I have edited for Apogee Journal since 2018.

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Event organizer

To me, “people of color” is nothing but solidarity work.

I believe in the POC project and look for ways to build unexpected, humanizing communities:

“Writing a Way,” The Table Reading Series
The Hollywood Hotel (May 2018)

“Formation: Writers of Color on Literary Lives”
Skylight Books (September 2019)

“New Futures,” Apogee Journal X The Offing
AWP, The Cherrity Bar (March 2020)

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Communications consultant

I’ve worked with Apogee Journal and Kaya Press on:

Fundraising and publicity campaigns

Grant applications

Social media strategy and book publicity, focusing on racial justice



